Name Age Body Peatiness Palate Rating Repeat purchase
Glenlivet 12 Smooth enough No peat Medium flavor ** Possibly
Glenfiddich 12 Smooth enough Light peat Medium flavor **** Definitely
Macallan 18 Very smooth No peat Light flavor *** Unlikely
Glenfarclas 10 Kinda rough No peat Light flavor * No
Isle of Jura 10 Smooth enough No peat Strong flavor **** Have Already
Balvenie 10 Kinda rough No peat Strong flavor *** Probably
Balvenie 12 Smooth enough Very mild peat Medium flavor ** Probably
Balvenie 15 Very smooth Light peat Medium flavor *** Probably
Sheep Dip 8 Kinda rough No peat Medium flavor ** No
Dalmore Cigar Malt 15 Smooth Stronger peat Strong flavor *** Yes